You have chronic pain in your neck or upper back. Often headaches or migraines. Vision problems, tinnitus or hearing loss - and no doctor can find a plausible cause. You may then be suffering from craniomandibular dysfunction, or CMD for short.
In this clinical picture, the optimal position of the teeth when biting down and the optimal position of the temporomandibular joints are in an imbalance, which the temporomandibular joint resolves through a malposition. This often little discrepancy can cause serious health problems.
Chain reaction through the body
Due to frequent, incorrect loading, the jaw joints are
permanently in an incorrect position forced by the teeth. The
chewing muscles also do not work in the intended way. It tenses
up and triggers facial pain, tinnitus, tension headaches and
other symptoms. The tenseness often continues into the cervical
spine and shoulder area. This can result in misalignment of the
spine, which ultimately triggers discomfort in the back, hips
and even knee joints. The effects of a wrong bite can be
measured all the way down to the feet. A tiny domino falls and
sets off a huge chain reaction.
The good news is that if we straighten the tiny domino, this
can tackle a whole range of massive ailments at their source
and heal them permanently.
CMD and other causes
CMD can be associated with very different symptoms. However, if
you suffer from one or more of the following common symptoms,
it makes sense to clarify whether CMD is present.
But not everything that looks like CMD is: The same symptoms
can also indicate other medical conditions. Therefore, you
should always consult your family doctor if you have any
unclear symptoms.
Diagnosis: How to turn a suspicion into certainty
The diagnosis of CMD requires a great deal of experience.
First, the dentist checks the condition of the teeth, palpates the temporomandibular joint and the masticatory muscles. If he detects specific defects of the teeth, tension or pain in the muscles or joints, this indicates CMD.
He then tests the mobility of the lower jaw and guides it
manually until the teeth are closed. If he detects a deviation
between the first point of contact of the teeth and the final
closing bite or if the mobility is restricted, a CMD is very
X-rays help to rule out other causes. Whether the malocclusion
is actually mainly responsible for the patient's complaints
only becomes apparent in the course of dentokinetic therapy.
Symptoms that indicate CMD
Teeth grinding
Grinding and malingering grind down the teeth and overload the temporomandibular joints. The cause is almost always an incorrect bite.